Friday 7 September 2012


It's always a feeling of euphoria after you have completed  graduation or post grad and are about to embark on the journey of life. You are excited about the new company you got offer from, the new place you are going to move into, and the new direction you will be taking. Bless you if you are one of the lucky ones.
For me and my tribe, who want to relax a bit, who want to wait for the right job to settle into, it is a harrowing time. From neighbors to crushes, everyone wants to know when and if you'll get a job. They have absolutely no clue as to what a hiatus actually means, and when you explain it to them, they just shrug their shoulders and give a look of pity."The boy's unemployed" is the sentence supposedly murmured, but heard till the seventh neighbor.
It's like a curse to relax even for a week after you have completed your studies, non-stop from kindergarten till whatever you are now. A little TV, catching up with movies, forgotten treasures in the wardrobe (including unwashed jeans) and ofcourse, pizza. But no, you are not entitled to these. Instead, you have to prepare wearing formals, shave and comb to face an interview. The salary will determine whether Bhabhi's sister's cousin's uncle's friend's in-law's niece's daughter will marry you or not (males face more pressure, TRUE!). And the questions! "told you you should have taken engineering", "told you to write the entrance for sarkari job"; it's like officially, you have done the worst mistake of your life by staying at home two days after you slogged for 18 years.
It's hard not to be hurt. No amount of Sunny Leone could cure the anguish of the words aimed at you. So i have decided to answer back with a straight and smiling face.....NO AUNTY, JUST UNEMPLOYED.