While on a trip to Bangalore, i was fascinated by Indiranagar and the Old Airport Road, leading up to Murugeshpalya. I chanced upon Total Mall and decided to check it out. My name being the same as the locality's, i flashed my driving license to show the cashier that the area is named after me. She didn't buy that and asked me to pay up, though i insisted that i'm a celebrity. (In reality, i don't even have my bike in my name, let alone an area in a metro). Anyway, on the ground floor, i chanced upon KFC. I ditched McDonalds because the joker had spoilt my stomach the last time, and i went to complain to Colonel Sanders (he's the guy on the KFC logo).
I had to address my hunger pangs first. So i ordered a burger. I noticed that the guy at the counter pointed to me and didn't utter a word. I figured out he was deaf and dumb. I just smiled and using gestures, i had the burger delivered to table. I saw some young girls at the corner and to show off, i pulled up a bar stool, in style. BIG MISTAKE. It took me 15 minutes to sit. I'd become a Xmas turkey.
Chomping on my burger, observing the counter, i realized that except 2 staff members, the other 5-6 did not speak. All of them were specially abled. They communicated using sign language. I had never seen a restaurant managed like this. It reminded me of a Manipuri play i saw at Rangayana in Mysore. Except one guy, who looked like he ate the Dasara jumbos for lunch, the rest of the cast were dwarfs.
Anyway, my point is, language and communication are different. You don't need to speak the language in order to communicate. And importantly, the ability to change society, for good, is possible even with MNCs. So if the retail FDI provides employment to the disabled, i'm all in support of it. They (disabled) don't need our pity and charity. They need a platform to prove themselves. I empathize with them 'cause i know how much a struggle it is to be born with a disability that changes your entire life.
Yes, the chicken tasted more like roadkill grill and the fries, i guess, were from potatoes grown on the moon, 'cause they put my stomach in a vacuum. I don't recommend KFC. But i will definitely suggest the outlet at Total Mall. Just go and try to have a conversation, without saying anything. And walk away with "finger licking good" feeling in your heart.

I had to address my hunger pangs first. So i ordered a burger. I noticed that the guy at the counter pointed to me and didn't utter a word. I figured out he was deaf and dumb. I just smiled and using gestures, i had the burger delivered to table. I saw some young girls at the corner and to show off, i pulled up a bar stool, in style. BIG MISTAKE. It took me 15 minutes to sit. I'd become a Xmas turkey.
Chomping on my burger, observing the counter, i realized that except 2 staff members, the other 5-6 did not speak. All of them were specially abled. They communicated using sign language. I had never seen a restaurant managed like this. It reminded me of a Manipuri play i saw at Rangayana in Mysore. Except one guy, who looked like he ate the Dasara jumbos for lunch, the rest of the cast were dwarfs.
Anyway, my point is, language and communication are different. You don't need to speak the language in order to communicate. And importantly, the ability to change society, for good, is possible even with MNCs. So if the retail FDI provides employment to the disabled, i'm all in support of it. They (disabled) don't need our pity and charity. They need a platform to prove themselves. I empathize with them 'cause i know how much a struggle it is to be born with a disability that changes your entire life.
Yes, the chicken tasted more like roadkill grill and the fries, i guess, were from potatoes grown on the moon, 'cause they put my stomach in a vacuum. I don't recommend KFC. But i will definitely suggest the outlet at Total Mall. Just go and try to have a conversation, without saying anything. And walk away with "finger licking good" feeling in your heart.
Image courtesy: http://in.openrice.com/bangalore/restaurant/kfc/58805/