Yes, all i can do is apologize to the victims, past, present and future, of rape. Be it Delhi, Bangalore or our Mysore, rapists prowl the streets. What makes it worse is alcohol, which makes even a gentleman give in to his lust. It is our priority to ensure the safety of women, be it a minor, sister, aunty, mum or the cute chick you were staring at. Chances are they might not make it home in one piece and dignity intact.
Yes, we Indian men are ironical. We are Rams' and Krishnas' for keepsake and Duryodhans' in reality. We take immense pleasure in letting the Hulk out of us, than the Gandhi. We follow the episode of Draupadi getting molested in the hall, while her husbands and other "respectable men" watched. We have been on both sides of the hall. But the Krishna in our society is long gone. The police can arrest, but the politicians haven't armed him enough, either with laws to shoot or imprison. Worse, if he did intervene, he gets shot. De`ja-vu the Punjab episode of the cop getting killed when he confronted his daughter's eve teasers. Plus, the rapists have a politicians contact number in their cell phone. One tring, few rings and he's out.
The media does take up arms and "campaigns". But it is only for that prime time. A few hours later, it is back to sack Dhoni, bring in Modi, and cheer the RBI. The nation will sing to "Hello honey bunny" and will comfortably forget about the rapes.
Yes, we all go ga-ga about the Saudis, saying rapists are hanged and women can go out wearing jewellery at night. Well, if you are frowned upon for not wearing burkha, your freedom is curtailed based on gender and because religion says so, i believe its better to be in our country. Plus, marital rape is unaccounted for.
Rape has always been used as a tool for fear and to destroy a person from within. Wars have always been synonymous with rapes, be it WWs', Iraq, Afghanistan or our very own Kashmir. Men use it as the ultimate psychological weapon. Getting the zipper down is one step closer to acheiving victory. This, i firmly believe, is cowardice and i would take immense pleasure, joining you, in kicking the balls and sending the message loud and clear.
But to the ladies, carry a pepperspray and a knife, and learn how to kick ass, literally. Even your friendly men are helpless to protect you. And pray for loads of luck, 'cause somewhere out there, no matter what you're wearing, or with whom you are and wherever, your Krishna might be watching out for you.

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