Today morning, as i was leafing through the newspaper, i saw a photo of Obama with a shotgun. Seems he was practicing to shoot those clay plates which are launched in the air. This is after he endorsed gun control, in the wake of a school shooting where toddlers were killed. This set me thinking, how does a gun holding American President gets the Nobel peace prize. Alfred Nobel must have been ashamed of the Nobel committee.
He winded-up wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Good. Now its Pakistan's turn to get bombed. Drone attacks are becoming common in the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Children and innocent civilians die so often, that they don't even make it to the news anymore. Not to forget the support to Israel. Poor Palestinians to this day, strive to make a living, by smuggling milk and essentials via underground tunnels.
Obama recently reshuffled his cabinet. Not one black man or woman, unlike George Bush who had at least Condolezza Rice. The economy is improving, but not many blacks are getting jobs. Worse, the impression of the blacks as muggers hasn't changed much.
Drug wars in neighboring Mexico, supported by the US, are claiming lives. Africa is in need of aid, but apparently, dollars are better spent on "fighting terror", than dying people who don't make it to the 9 PM news.
Iran and many parts of the world are reeling under immense pressure with economic sanctions. The people in these places have taken to prostitution, and begging, just because America has to ensure that Wall Street is kept fat with cash. And we are becoming fat with McDonalds and KFC.
None of this is possible without the consent of the President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln deserved the Nobel, Gandhi deserved the Nobel; instead it went to a dictator. An American Dictator.

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