The guy wore a red tie, shirt tucked in neatly, a pad in hand and a bag. His shoes showed that his travel wasn't easy in the morning rush hour. I politely turned him away with a smile. He was obviously disappointed. But he made sure it was not seen. He had a long day ahead of him.
A few years back, this was not the case. I would watch my mum bark at the salesman, who woke her up from her siesta. I guessed it was the right thing to do. I could not bark. So i let our German Shepherd do it. Soon, news spread among the salesmen and they avoided our house all together. Unfortunately, our dog applied the same principles to the milk man, post man and the newspaper boy.
I was fascinated by the sheer variety of items that salesmen used to bring. Mops, sanitizers, diapers, chips, books, vacuum cleaners, water filters, bags; my favorite was books. I did buy quite a few. Glossy paper, colorful pictures and the way the guy used to say it. " I have sold 20 of these. This is the last one. You look like a bright kid. The cost is 2000 bucks, but i'll give it for 1500."
This convincing line along with the tie, completely floored me. Surely, a guy with a tie selling a book at a "personal loss" was honest, right? Or so i thought. This ended when, on one occasion the salesman took the money, took the book and bade a French goodbye. My Dutch courage was evident. My mum took matters to hand, got the book back and imposed a life time ban on salesmen.
My granduncle told me that their life is not easy. The guy faces doors slammed on his face, shouted at, chased by dogs and unruly kids; he has to sell, be it rain or shine. Too much shine. Plus the tendency to laugh at his English. This would easily demoralize the already tired and weary soul.
'A good salesman is one who sells sand on the beach', so goes a popular saying. With e-bay and Flipkart, we may soon witness the death of the salesman in the city. But on the great Indian countryside, salesmen reach villages faster than government schemes.
So, the next time you hear the bell ring and the salesman pop a smile, refrain from "its the Goddamn salesman again". Instead, wish him a good day, smile and wish him luck. As he leaves, the glow on his face will tell it all.
i have rarely come across a saleswoman. Have you had any similar experiences? Do share it.