Any foreigner visiting India for the first time, travelling by train or on a morning job in the countryside, can see the "Crouch-with-a-mug" aasana. I bet they don't teach this in yoga classes. This is something to be learnt from our country boots. The NRIs are nostalgic about it.
In our expanding cities, where McDonalds is more in number than public toilets, any open space is prime real estate for relieving yourself. From business honchos in Mercedes to the milkman on the cycle, everyone gets a lion share of the pie, or more accurately, pee.
The World Bank did come up with an interesting project. A toilet in every rural village. Again, Karnataka was the pioneer in implementing it, or so i'm told. Inspite of corruption, the project saw the light of day, but it never saw the buttocks pouring in.
The villagers still prefer to use the fields. It's free fertilizer. Neighbor helps neighbor. This is brotherhood at its best. The toilets became store houses, or show pieces. Alliance from neighboring villages was decided on the basis of toilets. Photos were taken and sent to distant cousins. If it had a flush, more dowry could be demanded. It was a matter of pride and nobody, literally, had the right to shit on it.
The Indian way of doing business and our jugaad, is world renowned. Tatas have acquired Jaguar and Land Rover. But people look down upon our civic and hygienic sense. True. Our unmentionables should not be displayed in public like KFC softee machines. But, this is just our way of life. Another day in the office. We understand the importance of water and respect paper. You get the point my friend.
Throughout India, we share this common thread. We are bound by it. It's in our DNA and maxius gluteus. And we shall pass the gift to the next generation.
The world is our toilet. And we are loving it.
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