AH HA! you thought only Salman Khan can strike fear in the hearts of bad guys. Here in Mysore, we have something better than that. A machine and a team so well organized and co-ordinated that the very sight of them leaves everyone panting and running towards their vehicles, especially so in the case of two wheelers. People of the world, Romans, Americans and all you Salman and Bollywood maniacs, i present before you the incredible TIGER...towing vehicle.
Make no mistake about it. These guys can lift bikes as if they are Hulks and the bike is Loki (remember Avengers?). And you don't even wanna know what they do to Scootys' and Activas'. One guy just lifted the Scooty with his winkie finger and tossed it in the towing vehicle as if it was a woman's handbag. Such impunity is shown that it leaves you in shock and awe, and you run towards the vehicle as if you're going to get their autographs and pose for pictures. But no sir, you're going to retrieve your bike which has been towed and is proudly looking down upon you, literally. Your girlfriend is furious that you were dumb enough not to have contact numbers of the commissioner and the MLA and pities you for paying the fine, in spite of the fact that you just footed her bill for face cream and ice cream, both branded.
The inspector has caught your vehicle parked at the wrong place at a wrong time in his Sony HD camcorder. So clear is the picture, that you can save a copy to show how athletic you get to save your vehicle, in spite of the beer pack your carrying around your wasted waist. And the most incredible of all magic tricks, when you go to the police station to retrieve your ride, VOILA! the side mirrors and accessories are GONE! It's as if Houdini himself has taken it and dumped it in the Bermuda triangle. All efforts to trace it are met with a big yawn and growl, just like an obese tiger at the Mysore zoo.
So my friends, if you can't afford a ticket to the multiplex and still want to see something better than Salman, here's your answer. Just ensure that your girlfriend has parked her vehicle on the no parking side, book a corner spot by the side of the tea stall and enjoy the show as the Tiger and it's team make a grand appearance. No better feeling than to see someone else's misery, right?
Here's to Mysore's own.....EK THA TIGER.

Make no mistake about it. These guys can lift bikes as if they are Hulks and the bike is Loki (remember Avengers?). And you don't even wanna know what they do to Scootys' and Activas'. One guy just lifted the Scooty with his winkie finger and tossed it in the towing vehicle as if it was a woman's handbag. Such impunity is shown that it leaves you in shock and awe, and you run towards the vehicle as if you're going to get their autographs and pose for pictures. But no sir, you're going to retrieve your bike which has been towed and is proudly looking down upon you, literally. Your girlfriend is furious that you were dumb enough not to have contact numbers of the commissioner and the MLA and pities you for paying the fine, in spite of the fact that you just footed her bill for face cream and ice cream, both branded.
The inspector has caught your vehicle parked at the wrong place at a wrong time in his Sony HD camcorder. So clear is the picture, that you can save a copy to show how athletic you get to save your vehicle, in spite of the beer pack your carrying around your wasted waist. And the most incredible of all magic tricks, when you go to the police station to retrieve your ride, VOILA! the side mirrors and accessories are GONE! It's as if Houdini himself has taken it and dumped it in the Bermuda triangle. All efforts to trace it are met with a big yawn and growl, just like an obese tiger at the Mysore zoo.
So my friends, if you can't afford a ticket to the multiplex and still want to see something better than Salman, here's your answer. Just ensure that your girlfriend has parked her vehicle on the no parking side, book a corner spot by the side of the tea stall and enjoy the show as the Tiger and it's team make a grand appearance. No better feeling than to see someone else's misery, right?
Here's to Mysore's own.....EK THA TIGER.